Monday, March 23, 2015


Well I'm just getting into this two volume annual report and already thre are problems. As usual the second volume (Appendices) is a shadow of its' former self. That said Appendix C while apparently still on a downward trend in number of wells tested and number of parameters tested for; still has a few shocks. The parameters mostly are NDMA, Chlorobenzene and Ammonia however there are a few wells with other ubiquitous Uniroyal/Chemtura chemicals in them. This would include petroleum hydrocarbons contrary to Jeff Merriman's claims as well as benzene in still surprising amounts. DDT is still present as are its' breakdown components.

NDMA has a few readings off-site in the 100 - 300 ppb range. That's right 100 - 300 parts per billion. The drinking water standard is .009 ppb so do the math and figure how many thousands of times higher than the drinking water standards NDMA still is in parts of the aquifer. Chlorobenzene has at least one off-site well with over 4,000 ppb. Coincidentally that's on the Yara (Nutrite) property where Wilf Ruland and Jaimie Connelly (M.O.E.) initially claimed there was free phase DNAPL only to later recant. Seems likely that they were right the first time around.

The Executive Summary at the start makes the statement that they are considering shutting down the E7 pumping well at the south end of Elmira. Well that's par for the course with this company and this corrupt Ministry of the Environment. I've sent the page to CPAC & SWAT and then on to Woolwich Council primarily the latter to remove plausible deniability. If those buggers are going to come to Chemtura's/M.O.E.'s rescue then they are not going to be able to say they didn't have adequate information on the neverending lies and scams of that pair.

Well E7 has pumped approximately 50% or more of the off-site pumping since 1998. Chemtura claimed in November 2012 that they were going to triple the off-site pumping in order to meet the 2028 cleanup deadline. Those liars have increased W5A/B and W3 while decreasing pumping at W4 and now they want to shut down E7. What a joke their credibility is. What a joke their "cleanup" is.

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