Saturday, November 1, 2014


This post was planned to be both about Thursday evening's CPAC meeting as well as about yet another belated document (6 pages), downloaded from a computer database, presented to us at that same meeting. I presume it would have taken them perhaps ten minutes to actually download and print these chemical results for three wells on the Stroh property to the east of Chemtura. The wells are CH57, CH19 and CH22. The first two are the closest to Chemtura with CH57 in the north and CH19 in the south. CH22 is farther east than the others and may possibly even be on the next door (east) neighbour's property (Mr. Shuh). These contaminant results are all from 1990-1991 with the exception of some Non-Detects in well CH19 on pages 2 & 3 dated 2010. More interesting is that wells CH19 and CH22 are screened in the Municipal Lower Aquifer. This means that they are the third aquifer down from the surface with likely at least two aquitards (clay & silt) in between them and the surface. Also of interest are the very high method detection limits (MDL) that occur for crucial contaminants in all three wells. These crucial contaminants include mercaptobenzothiazole and aniline which are Uniroyal/Chemtura signature compounds. Finally well CH57 is screened in multiple aquifers including the shallowest one whether called the UA (upper aquifer) or SA (surficial aquifer). Unsurprisingly Chemtura have not shared with us the results from the shallow aquifer at this well located extremely close to the former northern toxic waste pits RPE-1 & 2 as well as IR-1. CH57 results are from the deeper, protected MU (municipal upper aquifer).

The results are upcoming and I hope you ask yourselves why detected compounds both above and below drinking water standards have not been tested for since 1991. I hope you ask yourselves why there are virtually no results from shallow wells (including CH57) east of Chemtura's site despite massive contamination found in shallow wells right on their property line such as OW37 and others. I hope you ask yourselves why some of the MDLs are as high as 500 parts per billion (ppb) whereas others are literally tens of thousands of ppb lower. Mayor-elect Shantz while I know you are a friend, nevertheless I hope you ask yourself how is it possible that I and informed others are able to sit in the same room with such a group of manipulaters and deceivers? You may think we are not exercising the same control as you and some Chemtura fellow travellors demonstrate. That is not accurate. Our control is a thousand times greater because our knowledge and understanding
of whom we are dealing with is a thousand times greater.

One final discrepancy in CRA's latest attempt to produce a professional document is that they have not included a legend to advise what the letter i stands for after a result or the letter l . This keyboard character * is also used without explanation. The usual interpretation when the letter j is used after a result is that the result is a detection but the quantity/number is approximate.

NDMA is positively identified in well CH19 in the ML aquifer at 3 parts per trillion (ppt). It is approximately found at
7 and 8 ppt as well. That is there is an i after those results. Phenol is positively identified at 80 ppt. as is butyl benzlphthalate at 100 ppt. and Di-n-butylphthalate at 290 ppt.

NDMA is approximately found at 25 ppt in well CH22 in the ML aquifer in March 1990. It is also positively found at 2 ppt in January 1991 and at approximately 6 ppt in July 1990. Di-n-butylphthalate is also positively detected at 150 ppt.

NDMA is found at approximately 2 ppt. in well CH57 in the MU in 1990. However Butyl benzlphthalate, Di-n- butylphthalate and pyrene are all positively identified at 180, 490 and 20 ppt. respectively.

These are generally low results however as earlier indicated they are in locations where they should not be found at all. They are on private property off-site in much deeper aquifers protected by aquitards and yet they are still detected. Imagine if shallow testing had occurred or had been reported in these off-site locations east of Chemtura allegedly upgradient of surface and shallow groundwater flow. Peter Gray (MTE) says they are downgradient and the results prove him correct.

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