Monday, August 4, 2014


I've been continuing my research and reading into issues around drinking water treatment. This has included getting into the 227 page "West Montrose Water Supply Class Environmental Assessment: Project File Report" written by AECOM on January 2013. This is the report that the Region referred to in a number of their non answers to my questions. While I am not finished the report yet I can categorically say how disappointing it is. It is disappointing not for its' quality, coherence or logic but disappointing as it makes very clear how pathetic, deceptive and intentionally misleading the Region's responses to my 36 questions were.

My second question dealt with a newspaper article in the Waterloo Region Record describing the need to look at options other than a pipeline bringing Conestogo water over to West Montrose. My question clearly indicated my mistaken belief that the pipeline wasn't a done deal. Instead of clarifying and telling me that the pipeline was chosen, the Region gave me a pat answer about the objectives of the Environmental Assessment; leaving me with the understanding that the pipeline wasn't going through.

The Region numbered my questions and hence their number five asked whether the incoming water tankers to West Montrose were to improve water quality, quantity or both. Their answer was categorically " provide a sufficient quantity of water to the community.". AECOM's Env. Assess. Report says otherwise. From their Executive Summary to pages 11, 13, 26 and 31 there are ongoing concerns about inorganic parameters exceeding standards as well as references to "high levels of treatment the wells require", "accidental consumption of unsafe water", references to Trihalomethanes being related to high Dissolved Organic carbon (DOC) and wells being shut down due to high Turbidity (cloudiness).

Speaking of Turbidity the Region have really outdone themselves. Their question numbers 20 and 23 are my asking both about treatment problems due to turbidity as well as whether the Ministry of Environment have given them permission to relax Turbidity standards. Without answering my questions they ignore the whole major issue of Turbidity claimimg it meets all standards. This is firstly false and secondly AECOM advise on page 28 that the four West Montrose wells are required to be shut down when the Grand River rises (spring & heavy rains) due to Turbidity issues.

The inorganic parameters present are related to health issues as they impact the water treatment efficacy. Raw water with high Turbidity, high DOC, hardness, total dissolved solids (TDS) etc. makes it easier for bacteria and pathogens to slip through the treatment system. They also increase costs of treatment and as such are a major quality issue. The Region in their answers to me focused on river water as being the sole source of high E.Coli and Total Coliforms. With long term multiple septic systems nearby this seems highly unlikely but to date AECOM have not commented.

Councillor Mark Bauman made me wait four months for these pieces of shit responses from the Region of Waterloo. The M.O.E. backed the Region by claiming that somehow the Region's chloramine test results were no longer necessary or required. That is contrary to all literature describing chloramination of drinking water. Those test results are vital which is why they are part of the Ontario Drinking Water Standards (ODWS). Legal regulations don't seem to faze either the Region or the M.O.E.. In their answer to question 36 the Region advises that shut down and off-line wells must be reported in the Annual Reports. AECOM advised (pg. 28) that the West Montrose wells are shut down when there are elevated water levels in the Grand River. How strange but not a single shut down is mentioned in the Annual reports for West Montrose over the last decade due to elevated levels in the Grand River. Ombudsman look out! This Region and provincial Ministry are operating unsafely and contrary to law.

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