Friday, March 28, 2014


Let me start by giving a hand to the entire CPAC team. CPAC members Dr. Dan (Chair), (Dr.) Sebastian, Ron, Viv, Graham, Susanna and Mark were all extraordinary in their own fashions. The level of questions, comments, criticisms and verbal observations were incredible.

Well a firestorm erupted over my Delegation showing that the underground stratigraphy clearly slopes from east to west underneath the Chemtura site and runs onto the Yara (Nutrite) property. Combined with the lack of Upper Aquitard beneath the former operating ponds (RPW5-8); this slope on the surface of the Municipal Aquitard is and has been the main driving force allowing free phase DNAPL to gravity flow from Chemtura over to Yara. Jeff Merriman of Chemtura was in full denial mode including trying to argue both sides. Free phase DNAPL has been found near Chemtura's west property line at OW88 as well as at TPW2 and M2. Jeff claimed that the thick, viscous tar-like DNAPL wouldn't flow on the gentle slope. My point was that the thinner, faster flowing DNAPL was long gone whereas the thicker DNAPL was still in transit. Jeff and Steve Quigley (CRA) also both claimed that two hydrogeologists who had written reports in 2006 claiming that free phase DNAPL had flowed off-site had since recanted. Allegedly two letters written in 2008 supported this but these letters are not in any publicly distributed reports, may have been distributed to CPAC six years ago but were not produced last evening. We then got into a discussion regarding the characteristics of DNAPL and how it's flow direction could not be controlled by pumping and treating. Sebastian and Dr. Dan both had many questions regarding this.

Susanna prepared and discussed a wonderful graph showing NDMA concentrations at numerous off-site wells over the last twenty years plus. Some of the graphs had low and declining concentrations whereas many others showed rising and falling NDMA concentrations over many years. Susanna's main point was that the Ontario Drinking Water Standard (.009 ppb.) was at the very bottom of the graph and all the concentrations were much higher including some that were 5,000 times higher than the drinking standard. Susanna also pointed out that there were data gaps with some of the wells. She asked why one of the wells with concentrations 5,000 times greater than the NDMA drinking standard apparently hadn't been tested regularily.

George Karlos of the M.O.E. stated categorically that they would come up with formal cleanup criteria for the Elmira Aquifers. For example Sebastian has long wondered whether other Ontario jurisdictions allow water taking from one aquifer while another above it is contaminated. Steve Martindale (M.O.E.) has suggested yes and mentioned Kitchener-Waterloo and Guelph. Yours truly chimed in with the steel liners used in bedrock wells in Cambridge to find deeper less contamintaed water bearing layers. This is really quite extraordinary.

Rich Clausi led the discussion on the "glacial" progress being made by the Education Committee due to the local School Board's bureaucratic mindset. It is still hoped that an environmental program and designation can be finalised for students.

Dave Brenneman, CAO for Woolwich, Councillor Mark Bauman and Dr. Dan attended a meeting with Chemtura looking for more funding for CPAC. Dwight Este of Chemtura advised that he is in discussions with their U.S. corporate parents. Dr. Dan advised that Woolwich Township's $10,000 funding to CPAC for peer reviews had gone through.

George Karlos (M.O.E.) gave an update on the proposed downstream monitoring in the Canagagigue creek. It will take place this summer and CPAC will have input into the work Plan. Both Dioxins and DDT will be tested for and where possible past monitoring locations will be replicated.

6.2.3 on last night's Agenda was presented by Steve Martindale of the Ministry. He had been asked to bring us a (written) update from hydrogeologist Jaimie Connolly regarding his April 3, 2006 letter suggesting that free phase DNAPL had flowed underground from Chemtura to Yara. Steve instead presented a verbal synopsis of a discussion he had with Jaimie. By 2008 Jaimie allegedly had concurred with Conestoga Rovers (CRA) DNAPL plans and had changed his mind about off-site DNAPL flow. Steve had nothing in writing from Jaimie on this matter to share with CPAC or SWAT (soil, water, air & technical). Most interestingly Steve volunteered the information that to date the Ontario M.O.E. have yet not signed off on DNAPL having been resolved in accordance with the Ministry's Orders or wishes. Both Graham Chevreau and Ron Campbell stated that CPAC has also not signed off as being satisfied with the DNAPL situation at Chemtura.

More to follow on last night's important CPAC (Chemtura Public Advisory Committee) meeting.

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