Thursday, June 27, 2013


I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's the best show in town. That may be a tiny exaggeration but do keep in mind there aren't too many alternatives that I know about going on tonight in Elmira. Some meetings are quiet and sedate with little contoversy and others are downright barnburners as either the M.O.E./Chemtura or Conestoga Rovers blurt something incredible out.

One thing that I need clarified is when is the next CPAC meeting. My calendar says that we have July off and the next meeting is Thursday August 29/13. There have been comments however both at the last CPAC meeting and since about having August off and a meeting in July. Personally I'm hoping we're off in July and on in August.

At the moment the three nominees to CPAC are waiting for Council endorsement of their nominations by CPAC. Susanna, Graham and myself were all nominated by the voting CPAC members and tonite is again unfortunately an example of why the current five members is too small a group. All of us have families and commitments and tonite to date there are two CPAC members who cannot attend. Hopefully Council will be able to schedule this matter shortly and hopefully Council will listen very carefully to the overwhelming recommendation coming from CPAC.

There will be further discussion tonite on Dioxin and DDT mobility such as at GP1 & 2 as well as the biomonitoring results in the creek. Clams, leeches and fish are all part of ongoing studies to determine whether more needs to be done at the Chemtura site to stop what appears to be ongoing toxic discharges to the Canagagigue Creek.

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