Saturday, January 19, 2013


Last week I posted an article here in regards to an E-Dat tutorial given to CPAC, SWAT and the public at Conestoga Rovers offices in Waterloo. Four CPAC members and two SWAT (soil, water, air, technology) members attended. This E-Dat program (flash drive) contains both incredible amounts of reports, figues and text but also a 3-D subsurface visualization that is quite remarkable. As I indicated two young, thoroughly knowledgable and professional CRA employees did the bulk of the presentation. When it was over they verbally offerred to respond to any technical difficulties, problems and or suggestions that we came up with down the road as we used this model. They also gave out their business cards to myself and everyone else which of course had their contact information on it.

Twenty-four hours ago I e-mailed the CRA employee who had done the bulk of the 3-D visualization tutorial. I cc'd Rich Clausi as he and I together the day before found a significant problem in the operation of the program. Kristen (CRA) has not responded but within a couple of hours Jeff Merriman of Chemtura had. He politely advise me that "We are not prepared at this time to make any modifications to the model..." He further added "Please send future comments and/or suggestions to me rather than CRA.".

Well! I have since sent my e-mails and Richard's as well as Jeff's on to all the CPAC members. I have been assurred that yes the ones attending clearly remember the CRA staff repeatedly promising to respond directly to any problems or questions we had as we work with this program and 3-D MODEL. I have also been assurred that my e-mail to Kristen (CRA) was polite, courteous and respectful. Also I might add, contrary to Jeff Merriman's (Chemtura) response I wasn't asking for "any modifications". I was asking if there was some way of temporarily reducing the visual noise of dozens (hundreds?) of wells represented subsurface by white vertical lines which obscured the subsurface stratigraphy.

Why would Chemtura share (albeit years later) a potentially incredible tool with the public, be present when their consultants offerred to further assist the public (& CPAC), and then shut down a legitimate, good faith request for information? Did my particular request hit a home run? Is their program flawed beyond help? I really don't think so. I think my question could readily easily have been properly responded to and accommodated. I also think that Chemtura's attempt to belatedly share information and data with the public has backfired and terrified them. I think they are worried that CPAC and the public will indeed understand much more clearly what has occurred on their site, moved off and destoyed the Elmira Aquifers (with others assistance). This is NOT within the goals or ethics of *Responsible Care.

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