Friday, June 15, 2012


Yesterday's Elmira Independent has a Letter to the Editor which is quite ridiculous. It is written by the Plant Manager, Josef Olejarz and the title is "Editorial contributes to confusion". Josef's letter claims that the Editorial by Editor Gail Martin a week earlier contributes to the public's confusion. I've reread Gail's Editorial and it just isn't so. In fact the only small error I found actually favoured Chemtura's do nothing whenever possible, position.

Josef's letter is just plain unfactual. He says that Dioxins and DDT have not been found in the groundwater beneath the two areas GP1 & 2 in the south-east corner. In the report done by Conestoga Rovers namely "Former Gravel Pit Area Investigation" , March 2012 on Table 2.3 is a listing of Dioxins found in groundwater in this area. Later in Appendix E are more current results of Dioxins found in groundwater. Further comments by Josef "...that there is no reason to expect migration of contaminants from GP1 and GP2." are also unfactual. Tables 2.1 and 2.2 are just a small fraction of the solvents found in the groundwater in this area. These solvents have and continue to mobilize both Dioxins and DDT. These chemicals move both vertically and horizantly and have for years been downstream in the floodplain of the Canagagigue Creek. Josef's letter is just one more non stop effort to defend the indefensible on the Chemtura site.

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