Friday, March 2, 2012


Normally the popular support of the Mayor of Woolwich Township is not that directly relevant to the Chemtura Public Advisory Committee (CPAC). That however is the situation when the so called "Interim" Chair is none other than Mayor Cowan. Some CPAC members had felt last May that his stepping in to replace Councillor Julie-Ann Herteis would add prestige and weight to this committee of Council. At the time he enjoyed the tepid support of one local paper and very strong support from the other (Observer). Boy how things have changed. Right now the Observer on a weekly basis are lampooning the Mayor with their cartoons, including today, and also through their Editorials on occasion.

What concerns me regarding the mayor are his campaign promises. I believe he can take some credit for the sucess with the Saving of Victoria Glen. However the Hawk Ridge subdivision appears to be more than a done deal courtesy of provincial policies. Bio-En Fuels is dragging on and it shouldn't be. If this issue flops then excuses aren't going to cut it. The mayor will probably wear that going into the next election. Gravel pits are also still up in the air. Why do these issues literally take years to be resolved. I suggest that is intentional and usually works in that citizens , unlike politicians, are not being paid for their time and efforts. It then becomes a battle of attrition. Finally we come to CPAC. The Mayor had a lot to say about getting a new CPAC back on course to clean up Elmira's Aquifers by 2028. He and CPAC had momentum and both the M.O.E. and Chemtura on the defensive and on the run last fall. Since then nothing. And I do mean NOTHING. No meetings, no press releases, no pressure. The Township are sitting on their butts right now giving Chemtura breathing room. They are giving Chemtura and the M.O.E. respect they do not deserve. Both those parties are taking full advantage. Zero promised monitoring results from the Ministry since last fall and zero lab results promised by Chemtura regarding their Dioxins have benn forthcoming. Also the Township should have PUBLICLY roundly condemned both parties for their disgusting and contemptible Sweetheart deal of October 7, 1991. Instead NOTHING. CPAC it is make or break time now. Seize control from your Interim Chair. Go publicly to Woolwich Council and tell them exactly what your Chair is NOT doing. Yes Council have the option of booting all of you off CPAC. If they do that then they will have condemned themselves to public ridicule and outrage. That is better than Mayor Cowan and his advisers continuing to do nothing and condemning the Elmira cleanup . It has been a sham for twenty years and this Council and Mayor promised to turn it around. To date their promises have been wind and hot air.


  1. You have got it right. We could also add the failure to deal with the old municipal building on Arthur Street, promises to attract hi-tech industry, etc. What is really unfortunate is that this Mayor is essestially a LIAR! He needs to be replaced (next election) and so does the Township's CAO (IMMEDIATELY). Thank you Mr. Marshall for continuing to expose the disgusting state of municipal affairs in our once wonderful Township called Woolwich.


  2. Oh Boy oh Boy oh Boy! This is a tough one. The L word is a little strong. I've been known to use it publicly but only in the most egregious of instances. Clearly I agree that our Mayor has been drinking the Kool Aid as indicated in the cartoons in the Woolwich Observer. He's made some bad moves and decisions regarding CPAC , budget and others. I will be speaking this Tuesday publicly to woolwich council and I will not be using the L word in reference to the Mayor but I will be critical.
