Thursday, February 16, 2012


I received this report two days ago from a friend. It's dated Feb. 13, 2012 and is an on-line report titled The U.S. Veteran Dispatch. The address at the bottom of each page is . It appears as if the authors have reproduced a report that they published twenty -two years ago as the title is "The Story of Agent Orange" and below that in smaller letters it says "U.S. Veteran dispatch Staff Report November 1990 Issue".

I have over the last twenty years read enough reports and documents concerning Agent Orange production and history to recognize certain facts and data presented in this document. That being said this is the first in depth historical review of the blatant political fraud and corruption surrounding the entire Dioxin and Agent Orange issue. This report claims that political interference including from the White House was an ongoing situation during various and assorted testing and research into health issues affecting U.S. servicemen exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. The methods and subterfuges used to manipulate study results are incredible. The political talent used to delay, minimize and obscure some truly terrible results of exposure to the Dioxins in Agent Orange was ongoing and immense. Even the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) is named as a co-conspirator in the coverup. Keep clearly in mind that the U.S. Federal Government was using its' immense influence, power and resources to essentially protect U.S. chemical manufacturers at the medixal expense of its' own citizens and veterans. It is quite clearly a disgusting indictment of the U.S. Federal government as well as various chemical companies particularily Dow. Other manufacturers named included Monsanto, Hercules and Uniroyal.

Fast forward to here in Woolwich Township and particularily Elmira. Uniroyal Chemical, now known as Chemtura produced Dioxin contaminated Agent Orange for the U.S. military. Does anyone think that the U.S. government's handling and coverup of Dioxin toxicity is any different here? Does anyone think that our Ontario Ministry of the Environment are incapable of coverups and gross lying to the public? Why do you think the real cleanup of Dioxins and more has done nothing but spin its' wheels for twenty-three years? Do you really think that it's by accident or due to a lack of knowledge or hard data? Not at all. The evidence of a private sweetheart deal between government and our local polluter is overwhelming.

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