Saturday, July 9, 2011


There is black and white and there are shades of grey. Using the sports metaphor, sometimes coaches need to bench their star players. Rowdiness, partying or physical altercations with their teammates are reasons that come to mind. Keep in mind that in this scenario the teams are the employers and the players employees. These employees are paid (well) for their time and efforts. Now lets compare this to volunteer work for the Township of Woolwich. Specifically lets look at volunteers prepared to sit on the Chemtura Public Advisory Committee . It's confrontational, offensive and nasty. This is in reference to Chemtura, their consultants and the behaviour of the Ontario M.O.E.. Generally these people are well dressed, soft spoken and cordial. Why do I refer to these meetings then as confrontational, offensive and nasty ? The reason is that these folks have a job to do and that job is selling "terminological inexactitudes" to you and I; namely John Q. Public. Believe me, being bull..itted to is offensive and it doesn't get easier with time.

This week's Elmira Independent speaks to the previous Thursday's public CPAC meeting. Richard Clausi, friend and colleague, has been asked by the Township to serve as a volunteer on CPAC. Richard is quoted about his concerns in so doing including the exclusion of one of the most knowledgeable citizens in Elmira, yours truly. Richard has been very professional and respectful in his comments to the new CPAC and in fact has stated his confidence with those members to whom he has spoken. Richard is a classy guy. While I am humbled and appreciative of his support, nevertheless Richard is also a pragmatist. He has advised me that a team who sincerely want to win the game, put their best players on the ice. They get their priorities straight. They do not let false pride, ego or petty disagreements get in the way. Richard sincerely wants to help get Chemtura cleaned up. Real cleanup as in source removal of Dioxins, Dnapls, DDT and all the rest. Richard is prepared to give his time and skills to Woolwich Township . Are Woolwich Township prepared to show that they share the same goal of a real cleanup at Chemtura by including the most dedicated, hardworking and knowledgeable citizen they have, on the committee? If not then perhaps their commitment is far less than that of their volunteers.

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