Friday, June 3, 2011


Yesterday's Elmira Independent carries the front page story "Marshall pushes for removal of dioxins".
As well today's Woolwich Observer on page 9 has the following story: "CPAC to look into Marshall's call for dioxin cleanup". A few points need to be made in regards to the Independent's story." "They should discuss it at CPAC, and bring it back to Council for the June meeting" said Bauman." Are you kidding me Councillor Bauman? One I've been asking for a CPAC public meeting since the CPAC appointments mostly done last November were finally made public April 19/11. Two I've been both to Council over three weeks ago in regards to Dioxins at Chemtura as well as having a majority of the new CPAC on side in regards to Dioxin removal since late April, prior to Council (Mayor & 1 Councillor) totally mismanaging CPAC resulting in the loss of three members.

At the Love Canal in New York State, between 1974 and 1978, 56% of children born had birth defects. At most of the American Dioxin locations, health studies were undertaken. Despite community pressure here two decades ago they were consistently refused by local and provincial authorities. This is to their everlasting shame. Now in today's Observer Dwight Este of Chemtura has the nerve to suggest that they wish "to begin the consultative process this summer". What planet, what Universe are you from? The July 2003 Request for Action was UNANIMOUSLY passed by CPAC advising removal among other things of DIOXINS from Chemtura's south-east corner (GP1 & 2). Dwight also says "Input from CPAC specifically and the community at large will play an important role." Since when??? You and the Ontario M.O.E. have IGNORED CPAC and the community's input for twenty years. In conjunction with Woolwich Council you've run us in circles for two decades and now you think you're back to square one with a new Council and CPAC and you're going "to begin the consultative process this summer". OVER MY DEAD COLD BODY Dwight.

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