Monday, January 17, 2011


First of all I am expecting this week in either or both the Elmira Independent and the Woolwich Observer to see a public announcement that the CPAC (Chemtura Public Advisory Committee) public meeting scheduled for next Monday January 24/11 has been cancelled. This is due to the very obvious fact that to date the new members have not all been determined nor other than the Chair (Councillor Herteis) announced. I remain optimistic that the new CPAC (CEPAC) can and will get back on track and down to the business of cleaning up the Elmira Aquifer.

The mediation meeting chaired by the Ontario Municipal Board (O.M.B.) between Safety-Kleen (Breslau) and myself took place eleven days ago. Although i am expecting the proposed Minutes of Settlement any day now, I am a little disappointed that to date I have not received the technical reports promised. These reports dealing with various aspects of the S.K. site expansion should have been made available to me in the first place and hence all the more reason to receive them in a timely fashion now.

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