Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Woolwich Council, gird your loins. Start saving OUR pennies. You are going to do battle for us , whether you want to or not , at the Ontario Municipal Board.

The message was polite and the message was perhaps subtle (or not) but there it was. Last night’s Woolwich Council Meeting was a love in for children, wildlife, trees, groundwater, river water and drinking water. My former neighbours spoke passionately and professionally. From Clare Gingrich ‘s comments on the effects of the proposed pit on his shallow well , Brian and Kim Hendricks comments on the seventy year old and still counting tiny gravel pit behind their house, right up to professional presentations by the lawyer for Bridgekeepers and the two University Professors who spoke, the message was clear. Other community members such as Pat Cosgrove spoke of the plethora of gravel pits recently seeking approval from Woolwich Council. John Fielding advised us of the disruption to the lives of the community that cannot be foreseen. A gentleman from the Waterloo Federation of Agriculture stated that even if there is “rehabilitation” afterwards ; that no agricultural land taken out of production in favour of a gravel pit, is ever restored to the point where it can go back into food production.

Very telling for me was the comment by both the Bridgekeepers lawyer and Mr. Glen Harrington on behalf of Capitol Paving. There has been a complete sign off (ie. approval) by all the regulatory agencies. Specifically this would include the GRCA , the Region of Waterloo (RMOW) , the M.O.E. and the Ministry of Natural Resources (M.N.R.). Let there be no confusion. These “regulatory “ agencies have long ago been captured by the very industries they are supposed to regulate. These agencies and government bodies purpose , has long been to protect industry, money and power. They are NOT there to protect us the people.

The bottom line is this. Despite the support of all levels of government (including municipal) ; gravel pits next to homes, rivers and on farmland are sheer idiocy. Last Saturday, Steve Kannon of the Woolwich Observer published the following opinion: “Politicians want no part of real transparency”. Regarding costs and benefits of a particular project he stated that the real question is not what costs and benefits but more significantly “Whose benefits and whose costs?”. This is what these gravel pits are all about. Capitol Paving and all levels of government , directly or indirectly, are reaping the benefits while the nearby residents pay horrendous costs.

Congratulations to Barb, Ron, Nathan , Mark, Mathew and other wonderful presenters. This is where citizens draw a line in the sand regarding gravel pit devastation of people’s lives. Woolwich Council , either get onside or get the hell out of town. No amount of puffery, flim flam or talking out of both sides of your mouth will be tolerated. This is a case of you will help your citizens no matter what ;
otherwise you are nothing but hypocrites and con men serving the wrong master.

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