Thursday, June 29, 2023



Containment in all aquifers - utter bullsh*t



GP1 & 2

Off-Site Pumping of Elmira Aquifers (3X more)

Stroh Drain

Public Consultation

Canagagigue Creek Sampling Bias & MDLs

Canagagigue Creek Risk Assessment

O.K. I've just said to myself ...enough. Oh hell I'm going to add one more namely the seventh one down being Public Consultation. I'm not going to describe each one today in detail as it would take far too long. I might add that there are others but this is a good start.

I am gobsmacked at the brass, the nerve and the contemptible disrespect of the public by both the company and by the Ontario Ministry of Environment (MECP). The first one was in scoping the hydraulic containment of the Upper Aquifer to just the south-west corner of their site and allowing the other three quadrants to discharge unchecked into the Canagagigue Creek.  

The second item DNAPLS is about the gross, decades long phony investigations of Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids (chlorobenzene, chlorphenols, TCE etc.) in the sub-surface.

The third item  refers to reducing on-site Municipal Aquifer hydraulic containment by intentionally allowing contamination to flow off-site where allegedly later on it was picked up by off-site pumping wells. The theory was that more contamination was captured for less cost. In reality contamination merely spread further into aquifers and aquitards (clay/silt) under Elmira plus those off-site pumping costs were shared with the public versus 100% being the company's on-site costs.

GP1 & 2 were incredible scams. Yes there was high DDT and dioxin concentrations but we may never know how high they were just across the border with the Stroh farm because this project was done cheaper on-site to avoid ever having to do it on the east side Stroh property where much of Uniroyal's toxic liquid wastes flowed.

So much more... I'll do more later this week.  

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