My sister's friend in Carleton Place (near Ottawa) personally knew one of the four Canadians who died in the airplane crash they were in delivering humanitarian aid to starving human beings around 1970. I personally know two of one of the victims' children who are now over fifty years old. A few days ago the Waterloo Region Record published a story about a local film maker, Angela Onuora, who has produced a Documentary about the Canadian efforts to bring relief supplies (food) to starving Biafrans and Nigerians. I would have to reiterate the old adage about "no good deed goes unpunished" when I think of the anguish and hurt the families have suffered since that crash.
Rumour has it that Woolwich Township would sometime like to assist in a public meeting regarding the current status of the Elmira Aquifers as well as of the Canagagigue Creek. On the face of it that is a noble enterprise however I am tempted to coin a new adage namely "no good enterprise goes unmisrepresented".
This of course simply is a reflection of my personal experience with Woolwich Township over the last 33 years. If I'm being objective, even the worst of the worst councils have stepped up on occasion and done some worthwhile things.
Other rumours include Lanxess throwing a bone to TAG and agreeing reluctantly and sorrowfully to clean up one of the so called "hotspots" downstream in the Canagagigue Creek. Do keep in mind that these alleged "hotspots" most conveniently are located 1) where roads and bridges cross the Creek (New Jerusalem Rd., Northfield Dr., Jigs Hollow Rd.) and 2) where 90% of all the soil and sediment testing has been done thus ensuring that these three locations are way overrepresented in the years of sampling. If you do 90% of the sampling in three small areas of a grossly polluted five mile stretch of creek where do you think both the most and the highest exceedances of criteria will be found?
You are completely correct about testing bias, it is so brazenly obvious and evident! Now Woolwich Township "assisting" is akin to a bulldozer building a house with it's only benefits LIPSERVERS and Libtards . In other words it has NOT resulted thus far in any real cleanup or accountability. After all this time unless TAG gets genuine transparent results that the public can democratically support by a large majority the whole group and especially the chair is a complete failure and a waste of time... the coverup will continue by most all parties!