Friday, September 8, 2017


The universe came together last evening at the Remediation Advisory Committee (RAC). While everything that is wrong with TAG and RAC could fill a book nevertheless there actually was some good news presented last evening. First and foremost the Ontario M.O.E. barely a year or two late dropped the hammer on Mr. Stroh regarding access to his property for testing. That said do not get the idea that I think that Mr. Stroh has done anything wrong because I don't. Precisely why should he be happy about granting access to his property for environmental testing to prove that his private property has been contaminated by his next door neighbour Uniroyal Chemical/Lanxess? We were told last evening by Ramin Ansari of Lanxess that the field work will start the week after next. Finally!

The testing will be both directly on Mr. Stroh's property as well as on Lanxess's property along the area known as the "Gap". This is the area that Conestoga Rovers intentionally failed to test when they tested the rest of the eastern and southern property lines back in 2015. The testing on the Stroh property will be advanced further eastwards on his property if the first results indicate contamination. It is difficult to see how the early results could not do so based upon the ridiculously high readings of both Dioxin/Furans and DDT found on the border in 2015. The final Report is scheduled to be released in February 2018.

The Ontario M.O.E. have also approved the Workplan for further testing of creek sediments and floodplain soils downstream in the Canagagigue Creek. While it is far from perfect and did not have the required input from the most informed Elmira and Woolwich residents, nevertheless it is better than originally planned and does incorporate some good requests from TAG. The M.O.E. also had demands some of which were met by Lanxess/GHD and this will help as well. Astoundingly this project as well will get started this fall and the final Report is scheduled for release in March 2018. I know, I know, relying on promises from the polluter, his regulator (M.O.E.) and or his consultants is extremely risky business. Once again we shall see.

Tiffany Svensson spoke about discussions at the technical experts meeting regarding the allegedly unexpected mass of chlorobenzene unaccounted for in the Elmira Aquifers. This will be explored over the next couple of months albeit once again without the best informed locals involved. The most likely source is the textile industry of which several were in operation in Elmira during the past 100 years. The most likely candidate is of course Borg Textiles for a number of reasons which I have elucidated here in the past.

Sebastian raised a number of questions and concerns at the meeting including asking Jason Rice of the M.O.E. if they would start making certain sampling information available to the technical experts. My guess is that the M.O.E. have some historical shallow soil and or groundwater readings around town that could shed light on other sources of contamination to the Elmira Aquifers. This probably includes gas stations, other industries and certainly Varnicolor Chemical. I doubt that it includes one very private, horrific contaminated now somewhat remediated site at the north end of town (not Uniroyal). Perhaps the M.O.E. might even share soil data from four former landfills around town. One can only hope although note this will all be kept hidden from Elmira and Woolwich residents. We only pay the tax dollars municipally, regionally and provincially and apparently do not have any rights to this information as it is "too sensitive". What that means is that it is too embarrassing to the local power structure that they have not done their duty over the decades.

Ramin Ansari also indicated that the enhanced pump & treat is up and running and while only at 50% pumping soon should be at its' target pumping rates. Once again we will see as the promises from Uniroyal/Chemtura over the last twenty years have been nothing but wind.

A colleague has suggested to me that maybe Lanxess are a totally different fish from Uniroyal/Chemtura. It's even been suggested to me that GHD is totally different from Conestoga Rovers. To date I am not convinced although I will admit to seeing some light shining in a few areas. This is why I continue to attend Sandy & Mark's pretend consultation meetings (RAC & TAG) and why I continue to read all reports I can get my hands on. That said access to these reports is much more difficult and irregular than before this Council's election in late 2014. I need to know if the next thirty years will be as full of BS, puffery and public relations as the last thirty years.

P.S. Sept.12/17 One last point: At he last RAC meeting in June (15th) Councillor Mark Bauman after responding to Susan Bryant's hand in the air and allowing her to ask a question; he then asked if there were any other questions from the audience. I responded as stated in my June 16/17 posting here. This meeting Sandy was Chair and while I had a couple of questions prepared Sandy as usual did not ask if the audience had any questions.

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