Saturday, September 23, 2017


It is my belief that Woolwich Township have a 5th Degree Black Belt in Snake Oil Gamesmanship. It is my belief that they are world class players in fibbing, obfuscation and in coverups of public interest matters. The evidence is based upon their lies and misrepresentations in their 2 page handout plus map that they distributed to High St. residents last July 26, 2017. It is also based upon the September 14, 2017, ten page report sent to Council by their consultants GHD, at Council's direction. I mean seriously, spending $6,000 more of taxpayers money, on that riddled with errors and misrepresentations, piece of crap? Council seriously you have no shame and no ethics to knowingly lie to residents and spend their tax dollars simply to save face and your precious egos when you've screwed up.

Yesterday I posted here about some other lies and misrepresentations regarding the Bolender Park Landfill. Another is CRA and GHD's focus on alleged lack of gas pressure as being an excuse or mitigating factor when concentrations above the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) are found on the perceived perimeter of the landfill. Well first off it is concentrations not pressure which determine whether or not the gas has the possibility of exploding. Pressure may be one of the factors regarding methane migration but it is not the only one. There are several, including Diffusion (concentration) and Convection (pressure). Even without pressure, methane gas just like a groundwater plume will move from an area of high concentration to a neighbouring area without. Finally these pressure readings in the probes may also be susceptible to groundwater entering the holes in the probe, which were intended to allow gas not groundwater to enter.

CRA's and GHD's Bolender landfill reports are filled with inconsistent actions and reactions to their own monitoring results. After the 2008 to 2010 monitoring results showed lower, albeit still above 20% LEL concentrations, at the west side by the auto wrecking yard, they were all happy including later telling the prospective new owner of the property that methane was no longer a problem. What idiots they are. They also sat on their butts for over five years before monitoring again only to find that the concentrations by the wrecking yard were right back to where they'd been previously. So do they learn from this experience? Apparently not because after they received two zero concentrations from two brand new probes at the east side, following ridiculously high concentrations there in 2008 and 2010; now they are advising the public and the media that there no longer is methane on the east side.

It is exceedingly difficult to reason with either incompetence or unreasonable and lying politicians and their senior staff. When their opinion appears to be that facts are malleable and or that science can be adjusted to your needs; then disaster and crises are to be expected due to their failure to do their due diligence including being truthful to the public.

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