Saturday, September 9, 2017


In early July I became aware of methane problems in and around the Bolender Park landfill via reading ten reports produced by Conestoga Rovers & Assoc. between 1983 and 2016. I posted here on July 15/17 and I distributed two letters to High St., Charles St. and George St. residents. Woolwich Township responded two days after my July 24/17 letter with a letter of their own to those residents. The Township's letter was either intentionally ingenuous, inaccurate and intended to minimize a serious problem or it was just plain incompetence on their part. I gave them the benefit of the doubt at that point.

Since then, in writing, I have offered to sit down on two separate occasions with planning/engineering staff to discuss and clarify these issues. I have been rebuffed both times. I presented a Delegation to Council on behalf of the ten Citizens Public Advisory Committee (CPAC) members on August 1 and again on August 22/17. To date I have received exactly zero written response from either Woolwich staff or their consultants CRA (GHD) addressing my comments and facts in either Delegation. That is shameful. They have however written a "review" of my second Delegation (Aug. 22) allegedly and delivered it to Woolwich Council on Friday September 1/17. To date this has been denied to me.

I have been advised by e-mail from Sandy Shantz that there will be a "report" to Council at their Tuesday September 19/17 public Council meeting. Sandy has advised me that I will receive a copy of that report on Friday September 15/17. Based upon Woolwich's letter to residents (July 26/17), their total lack of questions to me as a Delegate to Council twice, their response to CKCO-TV Kitchener on August 22/17 that they had no concerns regarding methane reaching residents from the Bolender landfill and their refusal to either sit down with me (twice) combined with their refusal to date to show me the "review' done by CRA (GHD) & staff; what would your expectation be of the veracity and accuracy of this "report" being done by the guilty parties in the first place? I also doubt that they will be willing to directly address my facts and knowledge of the situation. It's much more likely that they will simply disparage and shoot the messenger. That is their style and history.

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