The timing for building affordable housing is impeccable. Just in today's K-W Record (front page) we are advised that housing starts continue to sputter. Imagine that, prices are between ridiculous and asinine and it is actually slowing down sales. Today's Woolwich Observer has the following front page story titled "Orchard razed at site of future Union Street development ".
The Observer article does point out that Woolwich Township past councils did have concerns over a residential, family building being situated so close to both Lanxess Canada and the CCC (Sulco) as well they should. I would suggest that CCC overall has an excellent reputation for both safety and community engagement whereas Lanxess has an excellent reputation for bull*&%# and pretend community engagement. There is also the potential odour issue of the nearby Elmira Sewage Treatment Plant.
The Observer article has two main directions as it interviewed local residents regarding the removal of the apple orchard on the site. Many locals decried the loss of trees which is a legitimate concern and others reminisced about past decades either playing in the orchard or helping to pick the apples. Personally I still feel that that location is beyond the pale for families with young children to be living beside chemical companies, especially Lanxess.