Friday, January 20, 2023


 The Woolwich Observer are continuing with some excellent environmental stories and articles written by Leah Gerber.  Yesterday's is titled "Looking at ways to improve the health of the Grand River". It kind of seems to me that other than "The Friends of the Grand River" as well as the University of Guelph; there may be a gaping lack of attention  to this Canadian Heritage River which frankly is shameful.

Apparently the annually stocked trout into the Grand River generally are not surviving past the first year. Holy crap but that is both ridiculous and awful! A Prof Ryan Prosser at U. of G. is studying what's going on and to date it looks as if the benthic community biodiversity n the river is greatly lacking. This lack of biodiversity affects all the rest of the life in the river as insects and bugs are a major food component of fish and more. Near the Shand Dam (Belwood Dam) the biodiversity was very low. The actual study area was from the Dam down to West Montrose which should be the very best and cleanest parts of the river. In fact nutrient pollution is only mentioned once but it appears to be a major factor. Nutrient pollution basiclly means livestock and or nitrogen pollution from fertilizers. neither is good for trout nor apparently for insects. 

Dr. Prosser will be making further presentations about his findings in the future. My question is what will actually be done and by whom. 

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