Saturday, February 19, 2022


Think about it. Downstream farm children played in the Canagagigue Creek, caught crayfish, frogs and fish. Cattle waded in the Creek, stirred up toxic sediments and then drank the water. The same cattle ate grass from the contaminated floodplains. The adults and children drank milk from these cows. Children also swam for generations in the manmade in ground excavated Martin swimming pond. That pond was fed by both ground and surface water and the surface water came directly from the contaminated Stroh Drain. The flow from the Stroh Drain could be increased via adding a board to increase the level and volume of water diverted into the pipe going to the Martin pond. There has never been a formal Health Study done on either the 27 downstream, mulit-generation Mennonite farm families nor on Elmira residents as well. ....................................................................................................... None of this matters to corporate Uniroyal Chemical or their successor Lanxess Canada. Uniroyal and a multitude of corporate successors have always been treated with kid gloves by Woolwich Councils. Our local councils curried favour with the world class chemical polluter in concert with the province of Ontario (MOE/MECP) providing political cover for the companies anti-social and likely criminal activities. If in fact what they have done is not a criminal offense then the shame lies again with the province and their entire judicial system. ........................................................................................................... To add insult to injury it is the very same corporate bodies who are given their own redemption on a platter. It is Uniroyal/Lanxess who decide whether or not their admitted and long proven dumping, draining, spilling and overflowing highly toxic wastes have caused UNACCEPTABLE risks to others. UNBELIEVABLE! Where else in our society are the responsible parties for physical assaults, poisonings, diseases including cancer, immune and reproductive system diseases, diabetes and more given the complete control of investigations, risk assessments and final remediation? NOWHERE! Environmental assaults kill and maim both human beings and wildlife yet we turn a blind eye to their sufferings. ......................................................................................................................................... If a drunken driver maims and kills an innocent citizen do we permit that driver to control the process that follows including buying himself out of trouble? Of course not. But here in Ontario, Canada we permit wealthy, sober, cost cutting polluters to do much worse and then hire who they want (CRA, GHD, Stantec), provide extremely sketchy and incomplete analytical data and then their hired guns ceremoniously and pompously declare ALL HEALTH RISKS TO HUMAN BEINGS ARE ACCEPTABLE. Fuc. you they are not acceptable other than to sociopaths, psychopaths, intentional polluters and the worst criminals. Oh and maybe to our perverted JUDICIAL SYSTEM & LAWS.

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