Monday, December 13, 2021


January 27, 2022 is the next TAG meeting. The sediment data, all two locations of it in the Stroh Drain was in a June 30, 2021 report released about a month later. The Stroh Drain is approximately 400 metres in length winding from the north end groundwater discharge pipe southwards to the Canagagigue Creek. Two locations, but be still my heart they included two different depths of sediments in each location for a total of four samples. Ooooh! To date we've had a couple of apparently off the cuff disparaging remarks about the significance of these results from Tiffany Svensson and Susan Bryant at the minimum one of them a co-optee and the other merely a sellout. I have posted here a comparison of the dioxin results with hundreds of others in both the 2017 and 2020 Canagagigue Creek Sediment and Soil Investigations by GHD on behalf of Lanxess. The 24.4 ppt dioxin TEQ result in the Stroh Drain exceeds 92% of the dioxin TEQ results in the 2020 Investigation and 94% of those in the 2017 Investigation. Those results are of a HUGE significance but Lanxess and all their fellow travellors have to date refused to discuss them for seven months by the next public TAG meeting. The swine. ......................................................................................................................... The guilty parties did the same thing regarding DNAPLS (dense non aqueous phase liquids) despite pushback from the Region of Waterloo and myself. APTE were securely in bed with Uniroyal Chemical and its leadership making private deals (even to their own members) as early as late 1993. Likely they traded away on-site DNAPL removal as ordered in the Nov. 4, 1991 MOE Control Order for down the road promises of eternal admission to meetings as "citizen reps" as well as vague creek cleanup promises. Coverups have been the norm throughout the "cleanup" but can only succeed with buy in from local politicians and other "stakeholders" including co-opted ones. .................................................................................................................... Soil sampling has also been totally ignored in and around the Stroh Drain. Ignored and mostly, although not totally, undiscussed as TAG members, especially Sebastian, have pushed for it. Still the only soil samples taken in the appropriate area around the Stroh Drain have been taken privately, not by any of our authorities. Unless of course the MOE/MECP or GHD/Lanxess have actually quietly sampled the soils and buried the results by agreement. Yes Dorothy that is called conspiracy and corruption but only after they are caught generally. So once again, the biggest albeit not only polluter of Elmira, is totally controlling the cleanup via lying, avoidance and delay. Hey it's a working combination as long as our authorities are smiling comfortably in bed beside them.

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