Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Against the pipeline: David Suzuki, Ecojustice, Greenpeace, Stand Earth, Council of Canadians, Green Party, NDP, many native/indigenous groups, province of British Columbia-sort of/maybe.

In favour of the Alberta to B.C. pipeline: Canadian government ie. Liberals, also the Progressive Conservatives, province of Alberta, oil and gas companies

Sooooo do we see some partisan support in favour of the pipeline? I tend to look at it as the big money wants it to happen, the rest of us maybe not so much.

The Liberal government (& Alberta) are all about jobs, jobs, jobs. The oil and gas companies are all about profits, profits, profits. British Columbia, native groups and environmentalists are horrified by the possibility/probability of either pipeline leaks or breaks combined with the horrific vision of tanker leaks, spills or far worse in west coast waters.

Then of course there is the elephant in the room. Climate Change. The Canadian government have just declared in the House of Commons that there is a climate emergency in Canada and the world. You guessed it, primarily caused by the human use of fossil fuels. And this pipeline is to be built to continue the exploitation and sale of guessed it: fossil fuels. What is wrong with this picture?????

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