Monday, January 7, 2019


Ooh they are smart. They are masters of manipulation and deception. Sleight of hand is their stock and trade. Wave your hand over here while your other hand pulls the hidden strings. Intentionally make errors and mistakes. Let amateurs which you have hand picked fall into your traps. Those traps include arguing with you about these various errors, typos, mislabels on Figures such as scales that are off by hundreds of metres. It's all grist for the mill. Set up your "investigations" to achieve the results that you want. Have pretend public consultation that actually removes the input from the most technically competent and honest local citizens. Ron Campbell, Graham Chevreau, Dr. Henry Regier and myself were the technical folks behind CPAC with the assistance of David Marks (hydrogeologist), the other CPAC and SWAT members with other professional help from consultants such as Dr. Gail Krantzberg and Peter Gray.

Yes the east side investigation of the Stroh farm was a stinker. Careful choosing not only of which parameters to test for combined with the more important choice of which parameters NOT to test for was crucial. They avoided testing for PCBs and Dioxins/Furans in the majority of their deeper test pits. Dioxins/Furans were tested for in surficial soils where they have been most exposed to sunlight, rain, wind and even major floods further south on the low lying east side. Let's not forget that those east side Stroh farm soils have been regularly tilled for years further allowing the either air migration or breakdown of Uniroyal toxic chemicals in the soil."Errors" such as allowing the most heavily contaminated deeper soil samples in test pit TP-OW36-5(R)-A & B to greatly exceed the laboratory holding times prior to testing were helpful.

CPAC members including myself have been advising that the real area of deposition of persistent organic pollutants is in the lowest lying area of the Stroh farm on the east side of the Stroh Drain. The elevation is 345 metres above sea level and the vast bulk of both surface and ground water flow has been towards this area. Indeed the Stroh Drain being as deep as it is would have induced local groundwater to flow towards it. To date there has not been so much as a single soil sample, shallow or deep, taken in this area or for that matter in and around any part of the Stroh Drain.

The "Gap" area is the likeliest area where most contaminated surface water crossed from Uniroyal/Chemtura over to the Stroh farm. CRA, GHD, Chemtura and Lanxess have consistently avoided testing that area from outright refusal in 2015 to shabby composite sampling in 2017 of two areas labelled as SS-20 and SS-21. SS-20 was particularly shabby as it intentionally incorporated significant areas of higher ground where contaminated surface water would not be flowing. SS-21 meanwhile via composite sampling, otherwise known as diluting the bad with the better, allegedly had a reading of 6.97 dioxin TEQ (Toxic Equivalency). That is three one hundredth of one percent less than the criteria of 7 that is supposed to be used for soil samples within 30 metres of surface water (ie. Stroh Drain). Also keep in mind that I repeat exactly zero soil testing has taken place IN AND AROUND THE STROH DRAIN beside Lanxess's south-east corner of their site.

The beat goes on. Professionals have been co-opted not to shed light on environmental problems but to mask them in deception and confusion. They are winning because they have both money and local political support on their side. People and the environment suffer as always.

1 comment:

  1. P.S. the northern red herring is not a species of fish
