Friday, September 21, 2018


Some boring parts and some really interesting parts. Linda Dickson reported on the MOE's Review of GHD's 2017 Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). I had read and reported here last month about Abdul Quyum's (MOE) highly critical review of this 2017 AMR.Linda indicated that the MOE have problems with a number of conclusions that GHD makes based upon very limited evidence. Also the MOE believe that GHD were not able to confirm hydraulic containment of the shallow aquifer discharging into the Canagagigue Creek.Thirdly differences in lab results between the MOE's lab and Lanxess's lab were not adequately explained. Susan Bryant supported Linda's view regarding Mr. Quyum's criticism. Susan stated that it was the "longest and most critical review in years of the AMR".

There was a reference to suspected validity problems with the Mann-Kendall tests used to determine contaminant trends in the AMR. O have long suggested that they are lacking in their interpretations based upon plain common sense in looking at the Tables of concentrations they present.

Sebastian Seibel-Achenbach presented the June Lanxess Progress Reort and David Hofbauer presented the July Progress Report. Sebastian suggested that the shutdown of a significant off-site pumping well (W9) may reflect "no sense of urgency" on Lanxess's part which is very sad, bad and inappropriate if true. A brief discussion was held about W4's absence which I advised had been shut down a year ago.

Sebastian raised my issue about the Interceptor Trench and the satellite photos as well as recently discovered legal Affidavits to the Environmental Appeal Board promising the construction of this method to contain contaminated groundwater from the east side pits. Tiffany Svensson suggested that this information had been passed along to RAC and hopefully would be discussed there.

Susan led a discussion on the Technical Experts Meeting. Of course the best informed lay citizen was not invited and that would be me. This pretty clearly indicates that public consultation continues to be the purview of the guilty polluting parties such as Lanxess, GHD and the Ontario MOE and they only want to hear from those they favour ie. those willing to keep secrets not in the public interest.

There was an indirect reference to "other" sources only. No one mentioned Bolender Park Landfill, First St. Landfill, Lot 91 or the south end of the former on Uniroyal site, M2 Landfill. While the middle and north end of M2 may be hydraulically contained it is unlikely that the part now in and around the Elmira Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is. To my knowledge there is and never has been any leachate control or hydraulic containment of the Bolender, First St. and Lot 91 dumps. This is to the everlasting shame of the Township, Region and the province (MOE). At the end of the meeting I brought this information to TAG Chair Tiffany Svensson who appeared to have little or no knowledge of it which was to be expected. Of course this information should have been brought forward publicly for all to hear however due to Sandy Shantz's and Mark Bauman's incompetence or possibly worse, the public are refused the opportunity to address TAG publicly.

On October 30, 2018 TAG Chair Tiffany Svensson will be addressing Woolwich Council in regards to the efforts of TAG and I believe RAC which she attends as TAG Chair.

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