Thursday, July 7, 2016


Firstly I'm not finished reading the book titled "Love Canal". The sub-title is "A Toxic History From Colonial Times To The Present" and is written by Richard S. Newman. The sub-title is certainly being explained in detail through the early parts of the book. Indeed a French explorer first laid eyes on the Niagara Falls area in 1669. In essence we are advised that the entire area from Lake Erie along the Niagara River downstream to Lake Ontario has been viewed as nothing more than a huge economic, business and industrial opportunity since the 17th century.

Currently I am enjoying the primarily positive things being written about Elon Hooker the founder of Hooker Chemicals of Love Canal fame/infamy. I suspect that as the book continues there may be a touch of criticism regarding his waste disposal decisions as well as his branching out from his original products and marketing plan.

I also expect to read about Conestoga Rovers work done here whether on behalf of the residents or more likely on behalf of either Hooker Chemicals or of various governments. Of course the so called resettlement of Love Canal will also be of great interest to me. A few short years back we had Steve Quigley of CRA advise us at a CPAC meeting that the later problems at Love Canal had to do with creeping toxic wastes via the sewer system. Interesting. He did seem a tad defensive on that one.

What I am particularily noticing is the overall social attitudes. It appears that everyday citizens from early on wanted to preserve the falls, the environment and the natural beauty of the area. On the other hand entrepreneurs, business men and industrialists all had great, magnificent plans of all shapes and sizes all intended to magnify their status, fame, wealth and power. Ahh the constant human condition. Not so strangely it appears that all the rules, regulations and laws favoured the latter primarily at the expense of the former. It is no different here with the unholy alliance between those with money and those democratically elected to govern on behalf of everybody, not just the influential.

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