Wednesday, February 10, 2016


The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) will be meeting tomorrow evening (6:30 pm.) in Woolwich Council Chambers on Church St.. The Draft Minutes from the last meeting are on the Township's website under Committees of Council. The Agenda for tomorrow night has been released and will include discussion of the recently released "East Side Surficial Soil and Groundwater Investigation" Report. There will also be discussion around CPAC's (Citizens Public Advisory Committee) recent Press Release regarding that report. As you may recall there was an excellent writeup in the Woolwich Observer describing CPAC and the public's concerns with Chemtura's East Side... Report.

Also on the Agenda are TAG's recommendations to RAC. RAC or Remediation Advisory Committee are the group consisting of the Region of Waterloo, Grand River Conservation Authority, Woolwich Township, M.O.E., Chemtura and three members from TAG. They meet less often than TAG so far and based upon most of their non-involvement with CPAC for years, I'm hardly enthusiastic or confident in their efforts. TAG whereas under the Chairmanship of Dr. Dick Jackson has been a wonderful breathe of fresh air and technical competence and know how.

I believe the Minutes of the last meeting also indicate that there will be a number of other issues raised at TAG tomorrow. For example we may see if any progress has occurred with signage along the Canagagigue Creek warning fisherman about the contamination in the creek. The Ministry of Environment, not surprisingly, have been hopeless on this issue to date. Other issues may include whether Chemtura/GHD will in future be monitoring and measuring suspended sediments in the creek. It would be good to know if the bulk of the DDT and Dioxins are indeed moving down the creek primarily in the spring, after snow melt and presumably during other high flow times.

Once again tomorrow is a public meeting and the best way to encourage proper cleanup is for the public to attend these meetings.

1 comment:

  1. FYI the attached URL puts the earth's supply of freshwater in a very stark perspective []!
