Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Thirteen months ago CPAC (now known as the Citizens Public Advisory Committee) received a report from MTE Consultants Inc. which cast major doubt upon the decades long claims of Uniroyal/Chemtura, their consultants Conestoga Rovers and their partners in pollution, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (more affectionately known as the Ministry of Excuses and Corporate Collusion or MOECC).

The MTE Report examined everything from soil conditions, ground and surface water flow, surface topography, monitoring well results and finally historic records describing activities and conditions on the east side. The conclusions of the Report were that both ground and surface water have exited from the Chemtura property onto the neighbour's property (Stroh) to the east as well as to the south (Martin). We are of course referring to highly contaminated water that has flowed both naturally off-site and based upon the timing and location of the Stroh Drain, possibly intentionally. Then of course we still have the unresolved issue of a potential groundwater trench which shows up on both Google Earth and GIS Waterloo. It appears to run from Chemtura's North-East area (just downslope from IR-2 & RPE-1) southwards and eastwards crossing the east side property line between the former RPE-5 and TPE-2.

Add to these revelations my two foot by four foot map of the east side and we have the makings of a public inquiry here folks. My map is based upon a topographical map produced by Conestoga Rovers which shows the south-east corner of the site and the alleged exact locations of GP-1 & 2. It was produced like so much of their work in order to back up unlikely and illogical claims that the many thousands of gallons per day of liquid wastes overflowing and infiltrating into RPE-1 - RPE-5 were magically trapped within the confines of these two former gravel pits. Yes gravel pits I said. As if there could possibly be a worse geologic situation to trap liquids whatsoever.

A careful look at the topographical contour lines makes it clear that the majority of surface water and contaminated liquid wastes absolutely did not flow into either GP-1 or GP-2. They gravity flowed eastwards off Chemtura's property and into the Stroh Drain. From there they discharged past the Martin Pond and into the Canagagigue Creek further downstream. The Stroh Drain also would have altered the local shallow groundwater regieme and helped drain the swamps both on Chemtura's and the Stroh property.

The final touch of course throwing cold water on Chemtura's claim that everything flowed into GP-1 & 2 is that old maps from the 1980's indicate that GP-1 is no longer located where it initially was claimed to be. Then it was indeed located on the east side of the still existing ridge of high land in the south-east corner. In that location it would have intercepted much more liquids versus where Chemtura/CRA now have it located which is on the west side of the ridge.

It is a scandal which thirteen months ago was unfolding due to the persistence, knowledge and honesty of CPAC. The old Woolwich Council were supportive. The new are not. Councillor Mark Bauman, ably abetted by our new Mayor, and with the gratitude of Chemtura and the M.O.E.; attacked, disparaged and lied about CPAC. They did Chemtura's dirty work for them. Hence they have been very bad children and are unlikely to receive much more than coal from Santa this year again.

Therefore I believe that it is only fitting for Mark especially to receive a very big Christmas Bonus this year from Chemtura for services rendered. Really it's the only fair thing to do. Jeff and Dwight can you get right on that please?

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