Thursday, June 26, 2014


Today's Waterloo Region Record carrys this story ""Neonic" pesticides are bee killers: study". O.K. maybe it's just me but is the reference to "neonics" simply a shortform for "neonicotonoids", or are they different? According to the first paragraph it seems as if they are indeed different. Presumably they are somehow chemically related with the closeness in their names. Regardless an international panel of scientists categorically state that these pesticides are killing bees and should be phased out. Environmental groups on the other hand believe they should be banned outright immediately. More than half a century after Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" we have yet different pesticides implicated in the deaths of bees, birds and earthworms. The moral is that yes human beings learn but we have a political system in place to insulate and preserve the "right" to make money regardless of the cost to society and the natural world. Shame on us!

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