Thursday, August 18, 2011


Today's K-W Record (pg. A1) carries this story: "Environment ministry memo propels anti-turbine sentiment". Wind Concerns Ontario is an umbrella group representing 57 local organizations dealing with wind farms in their neighbourhoods. A spokesperson for the Belwood Wind farm Association points out in this article that our provincial government certainly knew ahead of time that there were issues with noise prior to to the enactment of the Green Energy Act. Belwwod is just a few miles north of Fergus and our own Woolwich township. I believe that these wind energy issues of our neighbours will soon be on our doorsteps.

I am still more and more impressed with the direction that Ontario's Green Energy Act is going however I am less and less impressed with the government attitude displayed around the rights of individuals. It is not appropriate to rely on the benefit to the majority as justification for the reduction of the enjoyment of life to the minority. Similar to our Bio-En situation here in Elmira there must be a way found to incorporate green energy without direct and unpleasant cost to nearby citizens.

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