Friday, March 11, 2022


Obviously bombing, shelling and destroying cities does neither the residents nor the environment any good whatsoever. There is no "upside" environmentally to dead bodies in the streets, starving and freezing human beings. Also obviously the gasoline and diesel fuel required to run war machines increases fossil fuel use. Open fires to keep people warm also adds to global warming as wood fires en masse are likely far worse environmentally than modern day effecient gas furnces. There are major concerns with food production as the Ukraine normally export vast amounts of grains to the world. I don't even want to think about the damage to the world environment in the case of even a limited nuclear war. Radiation poisoning, air pollution and even greater loss of life and resources required to keep the survivors alive is a small part of that scenario. ............................................................................................................ The media seem to feel that Russia (Putin) badly miscalculated the amount of resistance to invasion that the Ukraine would and could mount. At the same time pundits are now suggesting that Putin has only two very bad options. The first is to withdraw, lose face and support at home for his miscalculation and adventurism and possibly be removed internally as the leader of Russia. That option is obviously very unappealing to Putin. The second option is to take off the gloves and do to Kviv what they've done to two other Ukranian cities namely totally destroy them. Hence the "two very bad options" for Putin and the world. ........................................................................................................ Is there a third option put forth by Nato and the U.S. a possibility? Obviously a "face saving" retreat by Putin is both unlikely or an impossibility. Is there a a way to give Putin a "victory" that immediately ends the war, keeps the Ukraine independent and restores peace in Europe? The face saving victory is probably what Putin at this moment needs. It is difficult to believe that the world wide condemnation plus economic and financial sanctions are not a huge concern to Russia in the long run. Even world wide sports sanctions and isolation must affect the Russian people and eventually their government. Politicians and dictators alike want credibility and respect. So too do their citizens. Russia on the world stage are seen in a positive light at the Olympics and as economic partners. All of that is currently at risk. Yes a quick trip to the Ukraine along with installing a puppet pro Russian government was likely what Putin wanted and gambled on. That quick trip hasn't come about. ..................................................................................................... Most wars end when one side or the other are devastated beyond any hope of a military turnaround. The worst wars occur when two very powerful sides go at each other. As stupid as that is we (humanity) have proven our stupidity over and over again throughout history. Are the rest of the world capable of negotiating with Russia a mutually satisfactory end to this conflict BEFORE it escalates to more countries and also preferably before the Ukraine is a smoking mess of death and destruction? I do not believe that either of those two options are Russia's (Putin's) desired result. Russia wants nuetral or pro-Russian satellite countries between them and Europe. A broken, smoking, starving Ukraine isn't much of a buffer or protection from NATO or Europe in general.

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