Tuesday, March 1, 2022


Another history lesson for the smart people who know the importance of history and those that don't can just move along. Your rude, uninformed and stupid comments are just that. In September 2015 Woolwich Council via lying, disinformation and manufacturing a non-existent crisis, once again went to bat for our local, world class polluter. Mark Bauman and Sandy Shantz (councillor & mayor) attacked the integrity and competence of a group of Woolwich volunteers who had been appointed to CPAC (Chemtura Public Advisory Committee) by the previous council. The attack included a by invitation only, private meeting at the Township offices to throw mud and insults upon CPAC members (including myself) who had been refused admittance to the meeting concerning themselves. The date was April 9, 2015 and the worst offenders included Susan Bryant and Pat McLean, former members of CPAC who had not been reappointed by the Todd Cowan administration. They were however not both publicly and privately defamed as the 2011-Aug. 2015 CPAC members were. Also Pat and Susan were quietly removed due to their too close (chummy & self-serving?) connections with Conestoga Rovers and Uniroyal/Chemtura. .................................................................................................................... Between the March 29, 30 (K-W Record) and March 31/2016 Woolwich Observer, the animosity became more public. Then the Record also published stories and opinion pieces on April 5 and 6, 2016 as well. Basically Woolwich Council (Sandy & Mark) decided that payback to these Woolwich citizens and volunteers who had criticized their almost God like understanding and abilities to manage the cleanup of the Uniroyal Chemical polluted aquifers, soils and creeks was due. Therefore with Sandy and mark leading the charge the idiots publicly advised both Dr. Dan Holt and myself to go pound salt when we, following normal Delegation rules and policies, appeared at a Woolwich Council meeting to speak about Uniroyal/Chemtura Canada issues. Sandy and Mark as they have been known to do from time to time, simply made up shit. Oh they said, don't you know that Council have just recently (last summer) made up these two committees of new volunteers regarding the ongoing environmental cleanups? We at Council are far too busy/important to duplicate the job of these two appointed by council committees so take your comments to them. Of course Sandy and Mark didn't add that TAG (Technical Advisory Group) did NOT accept verbal Delegations to themselves. RAC (Remediation Advisory Committee) on the other hand would albeit they would only meet three or four times a year. Some years that is. Other years only twice. ......................................................................................................................................... Well when the smoke cleared Woolwich Council had been publicly roasted yet again by local media including television, radio and newspapers. Oh by the way the one Woolwich Councillor who spoke against the rest of council refusing to listen to Dr. Holt and I was Councillor Patrick Merlihan, co-owner of the Woolwich Observer. He at least knows the meaning of both free speech and the right of citizens to address their councils directly on serious, local issues.


  1. Seven years and counting and no Public sympathy for the Advocate. Reaping what you sowed I guess. Keep on trying and don't give up.

    1. You really are such an asshole. No wonder...
