Friday, March 6, 2020


It's a health problem/crisis. It's spreading throughout the world due to too many people travelling around the world and without governments using the authority they have to at least temporarily slow unnecessary travel i.e. holidays abroad. The front page of today's Waterloo Region Record carries the following story: "Coronavirus hits home". This is the first documented case in Waterloo Region although that certainly doesn't mean that it is the only case.

The woman travellor to Italy returned on Tuesday and immediately drove herself to Grand River hospital. Allegedly proper precautions were taken there to avoid spreading of the virus. Of course we don't know how long she spent in the Emergency department waiting for attention. What we do know is that she was released from hospital a few hours later. Her diagnosis wasn't confirmed until the next day (Wednesday). What the hell! Again allegedly she is at home in self-isolation. The problem is that she does not live alone. Therefore are her "small family" also quarantined even via self-isolation? Or in the alternative are they off to school or work within the community? Has someone outside the family been appointed to pick up groceries, pharmaceuticals or other necessities and leave them at the front door?

There are way too many unanswered questions and I expect way too much opportunity for this virus to move through our community as it has everywhere else.

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