Saturday, February 15, 2020


Gotcha with that title above (I hope). At least I've got you started on today's posting. Recently here I've written on some of the environmental issues that have been intentionally avoided, buried, circumvented, and ignored by Lanxess Canada and their partners in pollution, The Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), affectionately known by me and others in the know as the Ministry of Expanded Corporate Pollution (MECP). These earlier posts include February 12/20, January 22 & 23, 2020 and can be accessed through the Archives on the right side of my Elmira Advocate Blog.

Lanxess and Ministry of Environment (MOE/MECP) issues include ridiculously high Method Detection Limits (MDL) for contaminants in the Canagagigue Creek which effectively force hundreds of phony Non-Detects (ND) in their sediment and soil sampling. Issues include their inappropriate reliance on shovels versus proper core samplers to sample sediments in "armoured" (i.e. coarse gravel, stones, hardpan?) areas of the creek. As stated previously sample sediments where you are most likely to get hydrophobic compounds bound to them, namely the finer sediments.

Other issues that have been so ignored and buried include the Interceptor Trench proposed to be built in 1991 in a document submitted to the Environmental Appeal Board hearing by Brian Beatty (Morrison & Beatty) on behalf of Uniroyal Chemical. Aerial and satellite photos show clearly some sort of man made sub-surface structure running from the west side of Uniroyal's east side pits southwards past all the pits and then jogging south-east towards the Stroh Drain, Ditch and Berm (SDDB) which was built in 1983. I believe it likely that the underground drainage/piping runs into the corrugated steel pipe which discharges into the extreme north end of the SDDB.

GP-1 was discovered in old photos (1980s) to have been relocated from its original position on the north-east side of the diagonal high ridge of ground which runs in a north-west to south-east direction to the south-west side of the ridge. This is relevant as an approximate $3.5 million remediation took place in the probably phony location of GP-1. Makes me wonder how expensive the cleanup would have to be if they did it in the right location. This issue has totally been ignored and buried by all the guilty parties. These last two paragraphs illustrate how when the guilty parties bury issues and refuse to discuss them they fall off the discussion table. TAG and RAC don't mention them and yours truly who discovered both of them, sometimes forgets them simply because they aren't included in current discussions, debates and meetings. Mind control perhaps but sure as hell issue control.

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