Monday, February 24, 2020


Offsite well pumping as stated in the Lanxess January 2020 Progress Report is in the crapper again. The total off-site pumping of all wells is somewhere around 55 litres per second which is about the same as it was in late 2012 when Chemtura determined that they would have to TRIPLE the volumes of off-site pumping in order to meet the 2028 deadline for remediation of the Elmira Aquifers. I'm beginning to wonder if they have thrown in the towel and are just running out the clock now.

Well E7 missed its' mandated pumping volume by a small amount this month. However we now have the story that "pulse" pumping is supposed to actually increase the amount of NDMA being pulled from the sub-surface in the area of E7 at the south end of Elmira. In other words they are going to shut the well down for periods of time and then pump it intermittently allegedly then removing more contamination from the aquifers. Oh boy that sure has a funny smell to it. This I can say: we the public have been fed a pile of horse manure for over thirty years now. We have been manipulated, deceived and out right lied to on occasion. Why in the name of God should we believe a damn thing that Uniroyal/Crompton/ Chemtura and now Lanxess say to us? Their partners in pollution, the Ontario Ministry of Environment, generally are not much better.

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