Wednesday, July 10, 2019


In another life I might have been a historian. Perhaps a hydrogeologist first then a historian. Advocating for citizens includes assisting in learning the lessons of the past. They are far too easily forgotten which only aids the professional liars all around us. The Woolwich Observer carried an article on December 22, 2012 titled "Chemtura, CPAC chair at odds over Responsible Care designation". Dwighte Este of Chemtura made false allegations against Dr. Dan Holt, chair of CPAC, stating that he had breached confidentiality around the verification process and was not supposed to go public with information he had. Dr. Holt vigorously denied that and made it very clear that he and other verification team members had been asked to sign confidentiality agreements at the start of the process and had refused to do so. For Dwight Este after the fact to be calling upon unsigned and refuted confidentiality terms to be followed by Dr. Dan or others was ridiculous. Dr. Dan also advised Woolwich Council and Chemtura (Dwight) that Dwight's comments about a negative atmosphere at CPAC meetings occasioned by public input at both the start and end of public CPAC meetings was the company`s own fault. After all the public`s comments were simply a reflection of their concerns about a lack of progress with efforts to clean Elmira`s contaminated groundwater. Those concerns, in the meantime, have been confirmed and validated, as indeed now all parties including Lanxess (formerly Chemtura (Uniroyal)), the Ontario MOE, GHD (CRA) admit that the August 2028 deadline will not be met.

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