Monday, December 17, 2018


The MOE (MECP) had requested a supplemental groundwater investigation of the neighbouring Stroh farm as the initial one only tested groundwater a few metres onto the Stroh property. In fact those results did have NDMA at concentrations dozens of times to a couple of hundred times greater than the Ontario Drinking Water Standards (ODWS). Other chemicals were found on the Stroh property very close to the ODWS namely 2, 4, 6 trichlorophenol and 2, 4-dichlorophenol. The original plan was to have four wells both shallow & deep drilled along the roadway into the Stroh property. The MOE requested that one of those wells instead be drilled in the "Gap" area which is the lowest lying elevation along the property line between Lanxess and Stroh and across from the Stroh Drain.

One comment (pg. 3) in this December 13/18 letter from GHD to the MOE that is incorrect is that the only receptor to the contaminated groundwater is potable groundwater as in a shallow well. This is inaccurate as both the Municipal Aquifer may be a receptor as well as the surface water in the Stroh Drain. There is life in that year round surface water flow and it can be negatively affected by contaminated groundwater discharging into it whether from the sides or from the steel pipe coming in from the north. Despite longstanding and only partially correct claims that DDT and dioxins/furans are not capable of being dissolved in groundwater, I think that they and more should also be tested for in the groundwater on the Stroh property.

There is a reference to limited time access to the Stroh property. That is hardly surprising as Mr. Stroh certainly does not lose his property rights completely due to his neighbour's migrating contamination. Also we are advised that after a few monitoring rounds the newest wells on his property will be plugged, removed and decommissioned.

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