Monday, October 15, 2018


First point: Not every councillor either voted for or behaved badly on each and every following issue. For example Scott Hahn wasn't involved in the pretend carefully orchestrated appointment of Julie-Anne Herteis to Council last March and only three councillors messed up their post election Financial Statements so badly.

multiple inappropriate closed (in camera) council meetings as pronounced by the Ontario Ombudsman.

refusal to answer 40 carefully thought out and neatly typed questions by a citizen regarding the Bolender Park Landfill.

gross and significant and documented with multiple witnesses, conflicts of interest of two TAG (technical advisory group) members not acted upon.

council's attempt to refuse to hear Delegations regarding Uniroyal/Chemtura by Dr. Dan Holt and myself.

council frivolously nitpicked a citizen's Delegation (moi) thirty seconds into it and then walked out of chambers.

council refused to seriously listen to Bolender Park Landfill methane issues and both allowed and participated in falsehoods.

three of six councillors grossly botched their post election Financial Statements some through incompetence and some through intent.

council's treatment of previous council appointed volunteers to CPAC in 2015 was scurrilous, deceitful, dishonest and contemptible.

council's intentional dishonesty and deceit of the public in regards to the sham appointment of Julie-Anne Herteis to council last spring.

Woolwich is a wonderful place to live. Unfortunately its governance is pathetic and has been so for decades. Citizens need to spend more time watching, listening and reading about their council members decisions and biases.

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