Monday, November 14, 2016


Accountability and transparency are supposed to be the hallmarks of democracy. Unfortunately here in Woolwich Township we seem to have neither. What we have is a good ole boys and girls club. The system and all its' components are insular with an us versus them mentality. This extended to the farce which is known as MECAC (compliance audit committee). They went through the motions pretending to protect the public interest while blatantly running interference for guilty local politicians. They then solemnly ran through a list of excuses/reasons for not proceeding on to court in Councillor Scott Hahn's case. None of their excuses/reasons were legitimate criteria for denying a judge the appropriate opportunity to determine Mr. Hahn's culpability regarding his multiple, proven contraventions of the Municipal Elections Act as per the Forensic Audit done by Froese & Partners.

I will be attending court this morning and will post here the results when I get back. I have been advised that the media will be present so probably there will be something in either the local papers this week and or on television.

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