Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Former CPAC members, current TAG members and current MECAC membership all embrace voting members with interests which conflict with those of the committees upon which they serve. In the case of TAG it is the same pair who I've written about here before who have benefited from their association with Chemtura Canada both when they were CPAC members as well as currently. Whether employment by Chemtura's consultants or expense paid trips around North America courtesy of Chemtura's membership in the Chemical Industry Association of Canada (CIAC); this pair continue to bring shame to the very idea of public service, volunteering and public consultation. Nevertheless their buddy Mayor Shantz appointed them to the TAG committee this summer with full and detailed knowledge of the personal benefits they have received to date.

Currently this same mayor Shantz is receiving the fruits of her own twisted perception of what constitutes a conflict of interest. Back on July 2, seven members of the Municipal Elections Compliance Audit Committee (MECAC) made only the slightest pretense of making a sober, thoughtful decision as to whether or not to order a Compliance /Forensic Audit for the mayor. They totally and blatantly ignored the spirit and intent of the Municipal Elections Act by refusing to order a forensic audit of mayor Shantz's two Financial Statements (to date) despite her obvious multiple errors as well as her admissions to several of them.

After that July 2/15 meeting I learned of the connection through business/employment of one of the MECAC members. Recently it has become obvious that the chairman, Carl Zehr also has a conflict of interest. I will be sending to the media this morning public references to Mr. Zehr's appointment to the Board of Governers of Metrolinx. Metrolinx have a multi million dollar contract with the Region of Waterloo for rail cars to be used as part of their Light Rail Transit program. The conflict arises as mayor Shantz is also a member of Waterloo Region Council.

Interestingly the hypocrites at Woolwich Township have a written policy on conflict of interest both for TAG membership as well as specifically for MECAC. The examples I have given all clearly contravene the definitions and examples within them. Furthermore it states that "A conflict of interest may be actual, potential or apparent." "It is important that Members be sensitive to appearance and perception and err on the side of transparency. In case of conflicts, whether actual, potential or apparent, Members are expected to fully disclose the conflict as soon as it arises and before the Committee makes any decisions in the matter where the conflict exists."

Well that horse has already bolted not once but twice (Hahn & Shantz). Closing that conflict of interest gate right now would possibly prevent another grotesque decision by MECAC. Unless of course there are still other undiscovered conflicts of interest. Ahh politics in Woolwich at their finest!

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