Monday, October 26, 2015


Well things went precisely as expected this morning. Of interest was Chairman Carl Zehr making it clear that MECAC asked for a Legal Opinion from none other than the Township's lawfirm (Smith Valeriote). They of course take their directions and instructions from ...Mayor Shantz and Council. Therefore the adjudicaters (MECAC) at today's hearing took legal advice from one of the parties (Mayor Shantz) advising them as to what their mandate and jurisdiction is. If you think that that is both ridiculous and a gross conflict of interest, then indeed you are right and MECAC wrong yet again.

MECAC yet again blabbed on ad infinitum about rectifying her mistakes, no new information presented, no criminal activity etc. by the mayor and a host of other totally irrelevant excuses. They as the title above indicate are nothing but apologists for our local law breaking politicians. MECAC are themselves breaking the law by their intentionally refusing to abide by case law which indicates the extremely low threshold for ordering a Compliance Audit and which also states they have but minimal discretion to refuse an Application for a Compliance Audit.

Mayor Shantz betrayed her nature with her personal attack upon myself. I did not in my Delegation make any personal comments about her integrity and in fact I focused on MECAC and their failures to date to uphold the Municipal Elections Act. The mayor ridiculously dredged up irrelevant and false information even from twenty years ago while accusing me of having a personal agenda. Wow is she ever upset with ancient, irrelevant history. Odd isn't it that she didn't mention my support of her during the election campaign over a year ago? Also odd that neither her or MECAC want to clarify her untrue, sworn statement she submitted to Superior Court for their July 23/15 court date.

As Richard Clausi advised me afterwards if anybody wants to break the law then be sure to have MECAC on the jury because everything is forgiveable. That's fine when all the facts are presented with due process in a court of law but that is exactly what MECAC, the Township and the mayor are desperate to avoid. I also mentioned the significance of the March 23/15 date (4 days prior to the filing deadline) on the mayor's second Financial Statement but no one on MECAC or the mayor cared to answer or respond to it.


  1. Oh Alan, you constantly attack the mayor on here, go back and re read 90% of your posts. Most of them are slander directed at the mayor. I truly believe you have a personal agenda as well. Although you do have some valid points and arguments the way you carry out your agenda is childish at best. If you acted more professional and maybe had a more unbiased blog people would start taking you seriously. I also want the water cleaned up but your approach is not the right one.

  2. A agree with the 1:16pm post, 100%.

    1. I disagree with the 1:16 post: in that most of the time when someone preaches political correctness, what they are really intending to do is silence the messenger or water down the truth.

  3. Don't you pair even read the posting before commenting? The third paragraph indicates whom attacked whom this morning. It would appear that the mayor has the agenda not me. Three citizens all spoke as Delegates and all three were helpful and supportive of my position with Rich Clausi being the strongest and bluntest. Even at that he did not remotely approach any personal attacks the way the mayor did including dredging up once again an irelevant twenty year old non issue. Oh yes and she compared me unfavourably to some famous author. I had to enquire afterwards who he was.

  4. It is good that you are holding people accountable, but wouldn't the Christian thing to do is to approach her and point these things out and help her instead of ambushing her?

    1. Remember when Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple ? Matthew 21:12 True Christians are strong and NOT weak easily mislead humans! and we certainly do NOT bow down to evil!

    2. What would Jesus do to Sandy Shantz?

    3. offer forgiveness for repented sins

  5. Been there, done that. In fact why do you think after four tries she's finally getting her Financial Statements closer to the truth each time? The point is that she filed an inaccurate, sworn statement last February . If it turns out to have been knowingly inaccurate as some of the evidence points towards then she is in even much deeper doo doo.

  6. My comment of "been there done that" refers to "helping her". I have never "ambushed" her. That is not my style.

  7. Personal Advice to ALL the Power Hungry AND Slow Learners : If someone like Mr. Marshall was asking me questions I would answer ALL of them honestly and frankly BEFORE it is too late!

  8. Alan, you've got a problem on your hands - one of your posters repeatedly comes on here and lays down threats on your behalf. It is unclear to me if this person is making violent threats or not, but it could easily be perceived as such. I believe that the police should be notified of this.

    1. To The Anonymous at 7:59am; You have a problem on YOUR hands, there have been no threats of any kind to anyone, just a lot of trolls and political hacks mostly calling Mr Marshal names etc. and demeaning his work, without offering up a shred of evidence against his work or opinions. On the other hand there are others like me who support freewill and those who give us the facts in truth. In my opinion political correctness is only for politicians and those that serve them. Politeness has its place but political correct language is induced to sculpt the thought process for a new societal behavior diabolically being prepared. Political Correctness is aimed at redefining the "offensive" and neutering it of its "offense" with the deceptive impetus of being sensitive to those that might otherwise be offended. Engineered political correctness is simply engineered generational brainwashing. Remember my human friend if you have the right to your opinion then you should realize that others have the same right. You are NOT in control of people like me and you never will be! Truth = Freedom

  9. I just removed three or four comments. Some were good, some were bad and some were just plain stupid. All of them were off the topic in the posting that was allegedly being commented on.
