Tuesday, August 7, 2012


At a public CPAC meeting recently the Ontario M.O.E.'s Great lakes Guardian Community Fund was discussed. The M.O.E. have recently released an information document advising the public as to dates and locations for information sessions. Some of the nearest ones are tomorrow in Kingston, August 15 in Windsor and August 22 in Cambridge. August 23 (First Nations groups omly) and August 29 will be held in Toronto. Appasrently the M.O.E. want preregistration done before they decide on the specific time and location in each community. The e-mail to register is GreatLakesFund@ontario.ca .

Examples given as to community projects include cleaning up shorelines, building walking trails and protecting habitat again through cleanups and education. Locally one of our SWAT (Soil Water Air Technical) team members has suggested that perhaps CPAC might be able to access some research funding through this program. My take on this whole exercise is that while undoubtedly positive and worthwhile and some good can certainly come from it, it could also be construed as an admission from our authorities that this is all there is. I have been blunt about my disgust and disappointment surrounding the Ontario M.O.E.'s impotence. Maybe if the M.O.E. and other government Ministries were more forthcoming as to what they can currently actually accomplish; they might get some significant public support for a realignment of priorities and funding by our provincial governments.

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