Saturday, December 10, 2011


Myself and one CPAC member (Vivienne Delaney) had the privilege of meeting our new M.P.P. and Ontario Environment Critic yesterday. Not only did he come straight from a meeting with the Waterloo Region District School board to meet with us, he had another meeting scheduled immediately after us.. My understanding is that he has been at the legislature all week and Fridays currently are his chance to get local constituency work done. Overall I am very impressed with Michael Harris, our rookie M.P.P. . From what I observed he will handle the learning curve admirably. He has informed himself both prior to the election on issues such as local gravel pits and Bio-En as well as since the election and was well prepared for our meeting regarding Chemtura , Varnicolor, Hawk Ridge etc.. Regarding Hawk Ridge Homes I was a little disappointed in that he seemed to feel that buyers should inform themselves and do their own due diligence. Vivienne suggested otherwise as most homebuyers essentially rely on the Municipality having appropriately zoned an area for residential development. In the Hawk Ridge case if the developer eventually prevails over Woolwich Council’s legitimate concerns I am very doubtful that prospective buyers will be informed of either the controversy or the Ontario Municipal Board (O.M.B.) hearing.
In regards to Chemtura I provided Mr. Harris with maps, drawings, Figures and Tables primarily produced by Conestoga Rovers & Assoc., long time consultants to Uniroyal/Chemtura. Most of this paperwork I had also supplied to the new CPAC last April, immediately after we were all appointed to CPAC. This data showed where the skeletons per se are still buried as well as showing plume maps indicating other sources of contamination to the Municipal drinking water aquifer. It was very clear that Michael Harris will have no difficulty picking up a knowledge of Woolwich environmental issues and will only be limited by the amount of time he is able to devote to this one area. At the end of the meeting he cut to the chase and asked what is it that we feel he can do for us and Woolwich citizens. My response was to suggest that he light a fire under the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. I made it very clear that to date, the new Municipal Council are maintaining their environmental promises and commitments and the new CPAC are as well. The problem is the M.O.E. and anything he could do to assist CPAC or Woolwich Council in the execution of their environmental duties, would be wonderful.

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