Thursday, May 27, 2010

Time For A Little HUMOUR : For the record, I am neither a farmer nor a hunter although I have friends and relatives who are. The Weekender edition of the Elmira Independent is partly distributed in the K-W Record Thursday mornings. The following story (Commentary) dated Fri. May 28/10 appeared, written by the president of the Federation of Agriculture, this morning.

"The Elk Continue to Rule" - I swear that's the title. "... the needed authorizations to take action against the marauding elk." "OFA has issued a letter to MNR Minister Jeffrey to "act quickly and aggresively to address the problems faced by North Hastings farmers from predatory elk."". "We can't stand by any longer as more and more farmers are forced from their chosen livelihood by elk herds gone out of control."
Finally "But we believe a nuisance removal hunt is imperative now.".

My thoughts are this: There are 500 elk in Ontario. God help us humans if we are not the dominant species in Ontario. Perhaps a nuisance removal hunt for humans is in the cards down the road?

marauding, predatory and out of control elk herds ??? Wow. Makes you wonder how wolves, coyotes and bears have ever survived us human beings.


  1. Heh. For the record, elk aren't predatory...they're herbivores.

    In London there's been a lot of controversy over deer in the bog. Turns out there's so many they're eating all the underbrush, and they're dangerous because they're running out onto the roads. I agree the elk shouldn't be culled, but sometimes you really do need to cull!

  2. Katie: I saw Dr. Kim Cuddington, U. of W. (Biology) in action Tuesday evening in Woolwich Council chambers re: West Montrose gravel pit. She was excellent.
    P.S. I hear you re occasional culls necessary. It's still unfortunate.
