Tuesday, May 25, 2010

THIS is an UPDATE on my MAY 18/10 POST

Last Friday May 21/10, the Region of Waterloo responded for the fourth time regarding their 1994 Cambridge East Water Supply Report. This time however they responded through Phil Shewen of the Ministry of the Environment. What was presented was a 7 page report written by Associated Engineering, the consultants to the Region and authors of the 1994 Cambridge East report. This 7 page letter was allegedly written on September 23, 1994 and ostensibly was for the purpose of clearing up errors found in the original document, specifically in Working Paper 2 dated February 1994 (Rev: March 1994).

This 7 page letter has the date on 3 of the 7 pages. It has page numbers (6 & 7) on only 2 of the 7 pages. It, as well, has errors in it including incorrect values attributed to the original document as well as lacking any units of measurement in the 4 pages of tables. All in all this is not an impressive document and it certainly isn't "proof" of anything except possibly the incompetence of the consultant. Can you imagine hiring and paying a consultant to write a report and then a few months later the consultant writes a letter advising you that there are over 100 data errors in his original report? Until the Region of Waterloo provide real proof otherwise, I have to believe that their original report is the correct and honest one showing 105 chemicals detected in drinking well P11, albeit primarily at very low concentrations.

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