Friday, June 10, 2022


My 27 Chapter book first published in the Waterloo Region Advocate in September/October 2019 gives the details. For approximately four months  it was available on-line at Amazon/Kindle books. I removed it from there due to slow sales combined with my not receiving the promised commission. In fact I'm still  waiting for those royalties. I have put my book back on the Waterloo Region Advocate with a somewhat easier format to access and read it.                                                                                                                  ..........................................................................                                                                                                Above and beyond all the evidence presented in my Book (Elmira Water Woes: The Triumph of Corruption, Deceit and Citizen Betrayal) there was my attempted presentation of a professional lab report to all the parties and alleged stakeholders last fall and early winter. What a disgrace!  The lab report showed relatively low concentrations of dioxins in two soil samples taken on the Stroh farm. Yes that's right, half a century after the flow of toxic liquid wastes from Uniroyal Chemical's east side ponds had ceased, the toxins are still in the ground. They got there by both groundwater and overland (surface) flow. Woolwich Council, Waterloo Region Council, GRCA, TAG, RAC, and the Ministry of Environment (MECP) all refused my offer to send them the report. Lanxess however said yes they would like a copy which I sent them. I also ended up sending all the pretend stakeholders and public officials the same lab report except for TAG. Plausible deniability is an important aspect of a coverup and conspiracy hence that is why the guilty parties/fellow travellors did not want to touch an independent lab report showing dioxin contamination with a ten foot pole.  I skipped sending TAG a copy because 1) they refused it  2) there are TAG members on RAC & Woolwich Council who received it through them (Tiffany & Sandy S.)  3) A strong request from an individual not to.                                                                                                          ................................................................................                                                                                            Lanxess of course did not want the lab report for any honest purposes. In their Draft Risk Assessment they actually misrepresented it by referring to it as Soil and Sediment  dioxin results. It was solely soil results. Can you believe that NONE (including Lanxess) of the phony stakeholders and guardians of the public interest have so much as asked me a single question or clarification of the lab report. NOBODY has asked exactly where the two analyzed soil samples were taken much less the other approximately fifteen soil samples that are still in proper storage awaiting analysis. Nobody asked me when they were taken. Nobody has asked me if there were any witnesses to the sampling event. These remaining soil samples may yet expose the corruption and conspiracy or not. After all there is overwhelming multiple lines of evidence to the flow of Uniroyal Chemical's toxins on to the Stroh and Martin farms which I have enumerated here in this Blog. They include dioxin and DDT contaminated soil samples on the north-west side of the Stroh farm, NDMA in deep groundwater 240 metres further east from Uniroyal's east side pits (overland gravity flow), two very high sediment results for dioxins and one DDT compound in the bottom of the Stroh Drain (SDDB) and finally my two analyzed soil samples to date.                                              .......................................................................................................                                                        Money, shamelessness, brass and political support and clout is all it takes in Woolwich Township. Facts and truth are both overcome by them. 

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