Friday, July 2, 2021


Spin doctors, politicians, lawyers, consultants, co-optees, polluters and regulators will be doing their thing with the latest report released by the polluter and his consultants GHD. The report released Wednesday evening, immediately before Canada Day, is more of the same nonsense, bullshit, deception and deceit as long practiced here in Elmira by so many. It is titled "2020 Canagagigue Creek Sediment and Soil Investigation" dated June 30/21. Is the report useless from end to end? Of course not. There are some honest soil and sediment samplings I'm sure mixed in with all the deceptive and deceitful data presented as being scientifically valid. Just as with the 2017 Canagagigue Creek investigation there are far too many Non-Detect (ND) samples that are in fact no such thing. What they should be called are either Non-Samples or Non-Existent Samples. This is because the Method Detection Limits (MDL) are so much higher than either the environmental or human health criteria which are used to determine the risk or toxicity levels of various contaminants. ................................................................................................................................... One example is the seven year old wait for soil samples in and around (east side preferably) the northern couple of hundred metres of the Stroh Drain. Still no soil samples as both the Ontario MECP and Lanxess have finally in writing (Minutes of April TAG meeting) confirmed that they view the Stroh farm as having been remediated. What a pathetic joke. However for the first time we have four sediment samples taken from the bottom of the Stroh Drain (cutely referred to as 6770 Line #86). Three of the four have dioxin (Total TEQ) levels well in excess of the Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines (ISQG). Also three of the four samples have alleged Non-Detects for Total DDD and four of the four Lindane, Total DDE, Total DDT samples are all Non-Detect. It is of course a mathematical artifact/construct of intellectual prostitutes who are O.K. with facts as long as they are presenting them in the light that they prefer. This of course includes exclusion of informed, experienced local citizens who are not "friends" of Lanxes, MOE/MECP or Woolwich Council such that they can not speak at TAG (citizen members) to these matters. ................................................................................................................... These alleged Non-Detects for Lindane, DDE and DDT with only one detect out of four samples for DDD is courtesy of Method Detection Limits (MDLs) sometimes as high as one to three hundred times higher than the criteria. Think of it this way. By abusing the MDLs and including Non-Detects that really are no such thing you can for example show half a dozen detections for toxic contaminants but have fifty or more alleged Non-Detects (with high MDLs) thus suggesting to ill informed readers that most ares of the creek are "clean". Again what a pathetic joke! Liars and deceivers start your engines!

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