Thursday, June 10, 2021


In February 2020 I presented a written Delegation to the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) which included maps, pictures and text. It was written only, not verbal, because pretend mayor Sandy Shantz has forbidden the public from speaking, whether questions or comments at TAG meetings. This of course was done to appease Chemtura Canada (now Lanxess) and the Ontario Ministry of Environment who were allegedly crumbling under the onslaught of educated, informed and honest senior citizens (mostly) who were publicly both embarassing them and destroying their credibility. My Delegation clearly showed the ground surface elevation (topography) from Uniroyal/Lanxess's eastern side as well as of the Stroh property. Admitted overflowing liquid wastes from toxic waste pits, RPE 1-5, crossed the property line in several locations including further south on the Stroh property. Sixteen months later and I have not received any comments, criticisms or acknowledgement of the information presented, whether positive or negative. I have asked for this feedback but NOTHING has been forthcoming either from the TAG Chair, Tiffany Svensson or from the TAG members as a whole. ................................................................................................................................ Last August I followed up with two letters (via e-mail) to the TAG Chair and members advising of the failure in process and transparency whereby a citizen submits a detailed and comprehensive report to TAG, they privately reject it in it's entirety (after an admitted private consultation with Ramin Ansari of Lanxess), and then they (TAG) refuse any explanation, rationale or reason either public or private to myself. ........................................................................................................................... The following month one TAG member (Sebastian) very politely and diplomatically advises TAG in writing that he is unhappy with the reliance on expert "opinion" from Lanxess's consultants, GHD, that there are no soil or groundwater contaminant issues near the Stroh Drain on the southern part of the Stroh property. Sebastian has repeatedly and politely asked that soil samples be taken in and around the Stroh Drain. Groundwater samples and even sediment samples might also be helpful but soil samples are most important and likely to indicate if there is a "sink" of POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) such as PCBs, DDT, dioxins/furans and more in the area. Lanxess contineu to refuse and the MOE/MECP do nothing helpful as usual. ..................................................................................................................... Last November, seven months ago, Sebastian sent a formal "Appeal" to his colleagues on TAG asking them for support in the matter. He advises that he is not an expert nor any smarter than any of them however honest and appropriate soil sampling will determine if there is a problem or not. He, Sebatian, has often used the term "snakebitten" to describe Lanxess's (and Ramin's) attitude and response to requests for proper sampling. To date there have not been any intelligent, specific reasons given for the company's and MOE's refusal to do this testing. The appearance however is very clear. The guilty parties are afraid (or already knowledgable) of what they will find and how much it will cost to remediate it. There are other political reasons involved as well as promises and commitments to development have been signed for the Stroh and Martin farms on the east side of Elmira. These commitments occurred after and despite citizens and the public having presented evidence of the contamination on the Stroh property. ......................................................................................................................................... This matter is a hot potatoe for all the guilty parties although of their own making. Lanxess, GHD, MOE/MECP and Woolwich Township have behaved extraordinarily badly on this matter. Apparently the health of human beings and the environment are merely lip service to them. TAG members have a choice. They can finally on June 24/21 openly and honestly discuss Sebastian's "Appeal" or they can allow their Chair to continue to bury any discussion whatsoever without reasonable cause. Will TAG members step up or not?

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