Monday, August 26, 2019


Several days back I reported on the on again, off again W9 pumping well located near Park and Union St. in Elmira, Ontario. There are other issues and problems including Table A.1 which is the usual monthly Bypass/Upset Conditions Report. Let me simply say this: It is a listing of each pumping well shut down during July 2019 along with the reason/excuse and for how many hours or even for a day or three. As usual there is a full page of shutdowns. Not good.

Table A.2 is a listing of the concentrations of contaminants at various stages of the on and off site treatment systems. Some of the numbers both on and off site are ridiculously high. This includes 5,600 parts per billion (ppb) of chlorobenzene at off-site pumping well W8 located beside Union St. and the former Nutrite/Yara property in the north end of Elmira. This concentration of chlorobenzene is smoking gun evidence of the presence of free phase DNAPL (Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids) that have travelled from Uniroyal westwards and under the former Nutrite property.

There is also 13.11 ppb of NDMA present at W8 and that is a horrific concentration when you realize that the drinking water standard for NDMA is .009 ppb. Pumping well W9 also has high concentrations of NDMA namely at 30.57 ppb/ These concentrations are outrageous especially thirty years after the beginning of the 1989 Elmira Water Crisis. Of course with the containment versus cleanup on site permission by the province of Ontario (and MOE) there are many chemicals on the Uniroyal/Lanxess property with groundwater concentrations in the thousands of parts per billion. Also shameful thirty years after the start of the so called "cleanup".

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