Friday, November 3, 2017


This series of deceptions and lies by Crompton (Uniroyal) occurred primarily between 2000 and 2004. "Optimization" as proposed by Crompton's consultants CRA was allegedly intended to "optimize" the cleanup. The Ministry of Environment were skeptical as CRA claimed it wasn't a money saving measure. CRA claimed that it would be a case of moving Municipal Aquifer wells around, both on and off-site in order to maximize the amount of contaminants removed per gallon of groundwater pumped. The study and review by both the M.O.E., CPAC and Wilf Ruland were all fraught with difficulties and in hindsight misinformation.

The hindsight had to do with years of bogus groundwater levels at well CH44, off the western boundary of Uniroyal and on the Nutrite property. Allegedly there was a hydraulic "mound" or very high level of groundwater in that area which affected the off-site flow of contaminated groundwater from Uniroyal. In hindsight it was all bogus and it wasn't the only time that CRA used bogus information to support their position and their client's (Uniroyal). Think back to my appeal of the Certificate of Approval for the proposed new Ammonia Treatment System. In that case it was well CH97. Same scam, same deception.

Further details will be forthcoming on the knowledge and warnings about relying on this bizarre data from CH44 by the Ontario M.O.E.. CRA objected and refused the Ministry's warnings and then attempted to bury the news that the "mound" was a sham and an artifice. Yours truly found where it was buried and brought it to CPAC's attention. It worked for them on this matter hence they tried it again a few years later and almost got away with it again. I of course got booted from CPAC but the Ammonia Treatment C. of A. was always only a red herring for the intended purpose of removing me from CPAC. That goal continued for further Councils and their co-optees.

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